Posted in art, painting, Process Art, sensory experience, Uncategorized

Marble Painting!

Today we enjoyed painting with marbles. The children enjoyed this fun open ended process art session. It was dead easy to do and the children wanted to do it over and over again! The end results looked pretty great too! A wonderful piece of abstract art!

Posted in Allotment, Allotment, gardening, Cooking, sensory experience, Uncategorized

Time to cook!

We all fancied  making some vegetable soup with our produce and one member of our group just could not believe ‘chips’ were made from potatoes. So we decided to make some healthy potato wedges. We all helped reading the recipes, preparing and cooking the food. We had a great time and  the delicious smell of cooking wafted around our room all afternoon!


Posted in sensory experience, Uncategorized, Water Play

Water Water Everywhere …!

Today we received our brand  new water/sand/sensory trays. The children could not wait another moment! They quickly filled them with warm water and got down to the serious business of water play straight away!

Water play releases energy, it can be both invigorating or relaxing and calming for young children. It increases their ability to concentrate on one activity when presented as a tranquil and repetitive activity (scooping, pouring and running their hands through the water). Gentle water play allows them to unwind, order their thoughts and relax.

Water Play also gives so many opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills across all the age ranges. Children will improve their hand eye coordination through actions like pouring, squirting, scrubbing, stirring and squeezing.

It also encourages role play and crucial social skills like cooperation and sharing. They learn to work with one another, to take turns and share the space and accessories with their friends.

