Posted in Concentration, Growth Mindset, Uncategorized

“I can do it!”

Today we talked about trying to do something that was really hard, so hard that you felt like you wanted to give up. Sometimes it’s hard to understand why you should keep trying to do something that seems quite hard at first.But learning to do new things makes life more interesting and makes us more interesting people. Learning anything new often takes lots of practice.

We had a go at making an origami finger game. We didn’t get it right first time and we felt a bit frustrated , sad and cross, But that didn’t stop us from trying again. We kept telling ourselves ‘I can do it!’ Miss Woods and Mrs Mills encouraged us and told us they believed we could succeed and after lots of practice did!

No matter what you are doing, when you know you have tried your best then you can be really proud of yourself.



Posted in Cooking, Snack Time, Uncategorized

Pizza for Snack time!

All the nurture children adore Pizza, so we decided to make our own for snack time. Everyone talked about their favourite topping and remembered a time when they had enjoyed eating pizza with family or friends. We then had a rather passionate discussion about which toppings we should have on our nurture pizza. Finally we agreed on pepperoni and red pepper! Great practise of our negotiating skills!

As we made the pizza the children chanted out loud each and every step of the process (talk for writing) and by end everyone couldl tell their friend exactly how to make pizza! All ready for writing down the recipe instructions … we wouldn’t want to forget how to make such a yummy treat!IMG_1993